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How do I vary the amount included in a previous Notice of Intent for a personal contribution?

If you've already submitted a notice of intent but now intend to claim a different amount as a tax deduction, you can do so as long as you haven't filed the tax return for the financial year in which you made your contributions.

The procedure to vary the amount will be different based on whether you intend to claim more or less that you nominated in your original notice of intent.

If you intend to claim more, you can submit a new notice of intent instead of submitting a variation to your previous notice:

If you want to reduce the amount you intend to claim as a deduction, you will need to lodge a variation to your original notice of intent sent to us:

  • The variation replaces a previous valid notice and shows the amount of contributions which you now want to claim as a tax deduction. For question 10 on the form b'Is this notice varying an earlier notice?' in section C, place an b'X' in the b'Yes' box.

You can find further instructions for varying your notice of intent to claim a deduction for personal contributions on the ATO website here.

Please note that you can only vary a previous valid notice if we currently hold the full contribution covered by the previous valid notice, and you are still a member of the fund. We are not able to amend your notice for a) any contributions made to a previous super fund prior to rolling over your funds to Future Super, or b) any contributions made to Future Super that have been rolled over to a different fund.