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Pension Fund

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Pension Balanced Growth

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Pension Balanced Growth

Fees per year

0.767% + $60

Investment objectives

CPI + 2.5%CPI (which stands for 'Consumer Price Index') is how much the price of stuff changes each year
Per annum over rolling ten-year periods (after investment fees and taxes)

Recommended Minimum Investment Timeframe

10 years

Estimated negative returns over any 20-year period

4 to less than 6

Asset allocationHow we balance risk and reward in order to achieve investment objectives

70% Growth
30% Defensive

Recent returns^

As at 31 August 2024

One year

Since inception (15 Jul 2015)

The fees shown are the total Administration Fees and Costs, Investment Fees and Costs and Transaction Costs payable by you in respect of your investment in each investment option. Other fees and costs may apply to your account. Please read the Product Disclosure Statement and Target Market Determination for full details about how fees and costs may impact your investment

^ Returns provided are after investment fees, percentage-based administration fees and taxes but before dollar-based administration fees have been taken out. Returns for periods of greater than one year are on a per annum compound basis. Return of capital and the performance of your investment in the Fund are not guaranteed. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

Related FAQs

At what age can I start a pension?

To open a pension account you will need to satisfy a condition of release.

To satisfy a condition of release, you will need to have:

  • reached your preservation age and retired; OR
  • left a job since reaching age 60; OR
  • reached age 65 (even if you haven't retired); OR
  • permanent incapacity

For more information about opening a pension, please read our Product Disclosure Statement.


How can I change my regular payment?

You can choose your regular retirement income to be paid from your pension account monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or annually, to your nominated bank, building society or credit union account.

Your pension payment will be credited to your account on the 15th of the month (or the next business day if the 15th falls on a weekend or public holiday).

You can vary the amount and frequency of these payments at any time to suit your needs as long as you meet the minimum drawdown requirements.

If you would like to change the frequency of your payments, please contact us at Please ensure you contact us from the email address we have on file for you and you provide a confirmation of 3 points of ID (e.g. your member number, full name and date of birth) in your email to us.


How can I nominate a beneficiary for my pension account?

You can nominate one or more of your dependants, and/or your Legal Personal Representative, to receive the balance of your pension account as a lump sum on your death, on either a non-lapsing binding or a non-binding basis. Please see this FAQ on how to nominate a beneficiary.

You may also choose to nominate your spouse as a Reversionary Pension Beneficiary to continue to receive a regular payment from your pension account after you die (see the FAQ ‘What is a reversionary beneficiary?’ for more information).

Under superannuation law, your “dependants” include the following:

  • Your spouse (including a de-facto spouse and a spouse of the same or opposite sex);
  • Your child (including a child of a spouse who is not your biological child);
  • A person in an ‘interdependent relationship’ with you; or
  • Any other person who the Trustee considers was dependent on you for maintenance or support at the date of your death.

Note that the definition of a “dependant” under tax laws differs from those above. Someone can be in an interdependent relationship with you if:

  • You have a close personal relationship;
  • You live together;
  • One or each of you provides the other with financial support; and
  • One or each of you provides the other with domestic support and personal care.

Interdependency can also arise where two people have a close personal relationship but don’t live together or provide each other with financial support or personal care because of physical, intellectual or psychiatric disability (e.g. one person lives in a psychiatric institution suffering from a psychiatric disability).

If you do not nominate a beneficiary, or your nomination is invalid, the Trustee may pay the balance of your pension account to your dependants or your legal personal representative as it sees fit.


How do I access money from my pension account outside of my regular payments?

You can access money from your pension account at any time via either requesting an ad hoc pension payment or a withdrawal

  1. Ad Hoc Payment An ad hoc pension payment counts towards your annual minimum drawdown amount. To request an ad hoc payment, you must email us from the email address we have on file for you with the following exact wording:

    "I, (insert full name) born on (insert date of birth), wish to request an ad hoc pension payment for account (insert account number for pension account) for the amount of (insert amount)"

    If you are under 60, the amount specified in your request will be considered the gross amount. Ad hoc payments are subject to the same tax treatment as your pension payments.

    You can email this to us at Generally, provided an ad hoc is received before COThursday, your payment will be received by the Tuesday of the next week.

  2. Withdrawal Payment
    A withdrawal payment does not count towards your annual minimum drawdown amount but your transfer balance cap will be reduced by the amount of the withdrawal.

    To request a withdrawal, you need to submit a withdrawal form either via email (to or post at: GPO Box 2754 Brisbane QLD 4001

    If you are under 60, the amount specified in your withdrawal request will be considered the gross amount. Withdrawals may be subject to a different tax treatment as your pension payments.

    The form must be signed with a wet signature (i.e. with a pen on paper) and needs to be submitted along with identification (electronic ID details on the form OR certified ID attached).

    Withdrawals can take up to 10 business days to fully process.


How do I join Future Super's pension fund?

To set up a pension account you can complete apension application form and post your completed form to:

Future Super GPO Box 2754 Brisbane QLD 4001

For all the important information needed to make an informed decision about joining the Future Super Pension Plan please read our Pension Product Disclosure Statement andPension Plan Target Market Determination.


How does a pension work?

A Future Super pension account allows you to draw a regular income from your retirement savings while investing them in line with your values.

You can choose to get monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or annual payments and you can usually choose how much you receive (within the mandated minimums outlined in the Pension Product Disclosure Statement).


How much do I need to start a pension account?

A pension account needs an initial minimum investment of $20,000. This initial investment can be rolled over from your current super account, pension account or personal bank account. It's important to remember that you can't make further contributions once your pension account has been established.


What is a reversionary beneficiary?

A reversionary beneficiary is a nominated beneficiary applied during the application process of the pension account that dictates who will continue to receive a tax effective income stream payment (called a b'Reversionary Pension') in the event of a pension member's passing.

You can nominate your spouse (including a de facto spouse) as a reversionary beneficiary. In some instances, you can also nominate your child as a reversionary beneficiary. More details on who you can nominate can be found on page 9 of the pension PDS.

Once your pension account in the Future Super Pension Plan has commenced, your reversionary beneficiary nomination cannot be changed, except in very limited circumstances (such as the death of the nominated spouse or on divorce or separation).

If your reversionary beneficiary does not survive you, the remaining balance of your pension account will be paid out at the discretion of the Trustee, taking into account any nomination of beneficiaries you made prior to your death.


What is an Account-Based Pension?

An Account-Based Pension is a simple, single account for those who have met a condition of release and will no longer be making contributions to their super.

You can receive flexible payments (subject to age-based minimums) on a timeline that suits you, and make lump sum withdrawals at any time.

Please read our Product Disclosure Statement Pension Target Market Determination and other important documents before deciding to open a pension fund.


What's the minimum drawdown amount?

Pension account holders receiving an income stream have to withdraw at least the minimum pension payment from their super, as part of their annual income stream. This is known as the minimum pension drawdown.

The annual minimum drawdown amount is set by the government and changes depending on your age.

To see more details on the minimum drawdown amount that applies to you, please see Table 11 at the bottom of this ATO page. You can also find this information on page 8 of our Pension PDS.
